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Tag Archives: Professional Pharmacists

Pharmacists: Vital Educators in Patient Care

Pharmacists do much more than just fill prescriptions. They are a vital link in the healthcare chain, especially when it comes to patient education and managing medical supply in Highland Park, New Jersey. As a patient, you might have a … Continue reading

What Are the Dangers of Taking Expired Medications?

Taking medications is an important part of one’s recovery from chronic and minor health conditions. However, individuals should continually check the expiration dates of their prescriptions. Otherwise, a change in its medical composition could endanger your health. Furthermore, expired medications … Continue reading

What to Remember in Taking Medications This Summer

With the summer season finally arriving, it’s a perfect time for families to participate in many outdoor activities and go on vacations in or out of the country! Unfortunately, vacations mean fewer visits to the retail and compounding pharmacy and … Continue reading

Fiber and Its Super Properties: How It Benefits You

Most healthcare professionals agree on the benefits of fiber. It is a complex carbohydrate that our bodies cannot digest. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber can be dissolved in water and is most beneficial in lowering blood … Continue reading

We’ll Be There to Improve Your Overall Health

Your health should always be made a top priority. Some may choose exercise or a healthy diet, but when some people get limited with the amount of activity they can do, they need the help of trusted professionals. With most … Continue reading

The Compounding Pharmacy You Can Trust

We understand that there is some unique formulation of certain medicines some people require. It can be due to their health conditions, or specific personal pharmaceutical needs. Here at Unite Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy in Highland Park, New Jersey, we … Continue reading